
With our web calculator you can self-quote the costs of your shipment in real time and in less than 5 seconds directly in the area dedicated to you.

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  • If you are one of our customers but have never received your credentials, contact your sales representative or send an email to sales@nlineshipping.com, we will be able to answer all your questions.

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On all our official offers you will always find the information at the bottom of the quotation in the “AGENT CONTACT” field.

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The term Incoterms is an acronym for “International Commercial Terms”, ie international commercial terms.

This definition indicates a set of codes developed with the aim of defining the division of responsibilities in the event of loss or damage of movable goods subject to international sale.

The Incoterms codes also determine the distribution of the costs deriving from the delivery of the goods.

These codes and the conditions they determine are regularly subject to revision: after the revision of 2010, we are now preparing for the entry into force of the 2020 Incoterms, which will be valid internationally from January 1, 2020.

For more detailed info you can visit the website: https://www.fedespedi.it

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